Michele Castelluzzo
- PhD student
- University of Trento
I am a Phd Student working in the Nonlinear Systems and Electronics (NSE) Lab, under the supervision of prof. Leonardo Ricci. Before that, I studied for my bachelor in Physics at the University of Pisa. Then I moved to Trento where I got my master degree in Experimental Physics. Here I started collaborating with the NSE group for my master thesis, titled “A new method for the generation of surrogates of interspike sequences”.
Now I work in the field on nonlinear time series analysis, trying to catch evidence of nonlinearity and chaotic behaviour in experimental data. Beside that, we have some collaborations with other research groups, both within our University and outside, concerning electronics applications and data anaysis. If you are interested in my work, you can find out more on our lab webpage or attending my presentation! 😉
Chasing nonlinearity in experimental time series
Many physical systems of interest in nowadays research, like human brain and climate, produce signals showing irregular behaviour. In this case, usual methods of study, like spectral analysis, fail to capture all valuable informations if the underlying dynamics of the system is not linear. Nonlinear time series analysis comprises a set of methods, stemming from […]