
Santo Maria Roccuzzo
My name is Santo Maria Roccuzzo and I am a 3rd year PhD student at the Department of Physics (XXXIV cycle).
I work at the BEC Center under the supervision of professors Alessio Recati and Sandro Stringari. I am also enrolled in the transdisciplinary program Quantum@Trento.
My university career started in 2012 at the University of Catania, where I obtained my Bachelor Degree in Physics with a thesis titled “Vortici in condensati di Bose-Einstein”, under the supervision of professor Giuseppe Angilella. I later moved to the University of Padova, where I obtained my Master Degree in Theoretical Physics in 2018 with a Thesis titled “Beyond mean field effects in quantum dipolar Bose gases: quantum fluctuations and supersolidity”, where I basically studied the occurrence of the (wierd) supersolid phase of matter in dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates.
Soon after, I joined the BEC Center at the University of Trento as a PhD student, where I kept on working on supersolidity in dipolar gases and related phenomena.
My research interests include:
– Bose Einstein Condensates and Superfluids
– Condensed matter in general
– Computational methods in physics and computer science in general
Here is a list of my publications:
1) S.M. Roccuzzo, F. Ancilotto, Supersolid behavior of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a tube, Physical Review A 99 (4), 041601(2019)
2) L Tanzi, SM Roccuzzo, E Lucioni, F Famà, A Fioretti, C Gabbanini, G Modugno, A Recati, S Stringari, Supersolid symmetry breaking from compressional oscillations in a dipolar quantum gas,Nature 574 (7778), 382-385(2019)
3) SM Roccuzzo, A Gallemí, A Recati, S Stringari, Rotating a supersolid dipolar gas, Physical Review Letters 124 (4), 045702 (2020)
4) A Gallemì, SM Roccuzzo, S Stringari, A Recati, Quantized vortices in dipolar supersolid Bose-Einstein condensed gases,Phys. Rev. A 102, 023322 (2020)
5) D Petter, A Patscheider, G Natale, MJ Mark, MA Baranov, R v Bijnen, SM Roccuzzo, A Recati, B Blakie, D Baillie, L Chomaz, F Ferlaino, High-energy Bragg scattering measurements of a dipolar supersolid, arXiv:2005.02213
Here is a link to my page on Google Scholar: